Ayaz & Associates Carson City NV

Maximize an S-Corp for Small Business

Should you be an S-Corp? Will you save in taxes? We specialize in helping small business owners, who make net profits higher than $80,000, convert to an S-Corp, stay compliant & maximize its benefit.

Book a Free S-Corp Comparison Meeting

Reduce Your Social Security & Medicare Taxes with an S-Corp

Corporations have the potential to help small businesses lower their self-employment taxes, which comprise of both social security & medicare taxes.

Setup an S-Corp

We help new businesses identify if a Sole Proprietorship is right, or if they should start out as an S-Corp.

Convert a Sole Prop to an S-Corp

We can do everything necessary to convert to an S-Corp.

Pay a "Reasonable Salary"

We will provide guidance on what is a reasonable salary, so you can avoid IRS problems down the road.

S-Corp Payroll

We have fantastic solutions for S-Corps of any size to run the required payroll.

Avoid Surprises & Never Fall Behind

We provide year-round, pro-active tax planning for S-Corps and we help pay in taxes throughout the year to help you avoid falling behind.

Year-End 1120S Tax Preparation

We provide prompt, excellent preparation of the S-Corporation tax return on form 1120S.
Nevada S-Corp Setup

Don't Just Setup an S-Corp, Maximize It!

An S-Corp needs to be properly managed, and business owners need to wisely follow the rules about "reasonable compensation".

We help business owners setup, convert to, and properly manage their S-Corporation so that they don't miss out.

S-Corp Conversions for Existing Businesses

We can help you properly convert to an S-Corp, and avoid mistakes.

Setup a New S-Corp

We can help you get started as an S-Corp, and ensure things are runnign properly.

S-Corp Taxes & Bookkeeping

We'll also help you make wise decisions about payroll, while doing the year-end taxes.

S-Corp Compare: 
$100,000 Net Profit


Net Profits

($50,000 S-Corp Salary)

Social Security Taxes


Medicare Taxes


Total SE Taxes Due


Annual SE Tax Savings
